At generations our mission is to provide high quality, inclusive arts training to everybody and every body!

We are committed to fostering a true love of the performing arts for all ages, level, bodies, identities and races with a strong mental health focus.


generations takes a whole family approach,

offering high quality programming for all ages (baby+ to adult) in a non-competitive and family-focused space. With community building at heart, we are passionate about creating a welcoming environment for all families, with a strong emphasis on body neutrality, inclusivity and empowerment.

learn more about us >


we strive to build the nxtgen of artists and leaders,

empowering them with life tools, confidence and resiliency in our star leadership and assistant programs. Our goal is to help students make an impact not only in the studio but in the world.

learn more about our teen leadership and assistant programs >


generations’ innovative and thoughtful programming has been created and fine tuned by our skilled directors, with decades of experience in program creation and coaching.

Our inspiring team of qualified and top industry teachers understand how to engage and connect personally with each student on their level, while executing fun and challenging lesson plans. 

check out our dance programs >

check out our musical theatre programs >

check out our toddler & JK programs here >

check out our adult dance programs here >

check out our birthday parties here >

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Generations behind the scenes Season 1 Showcase

 We invite you to join our Generations family and become part of the new movement of performing arts education and leadership.